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How Hospice Care Helps Deal with the Emotions of Losing Someone

It’s so difficult to face the loss of a loved one. Hospice care providers understand this and they have supports in place to help families manage during this tough time.
Hospice Care Easton CT - How Hospice Care Helps Deal with the Emotions of Losing Someone

Knowing that someone is near the end of life is so difficult. Families need support working through their emotions while they’re also dealing with the practical aspects of this situation. Daily life is difficult enough, but adding the stress of loss can be overwhelming. Hospice care providers offer a variety of tools that support families as they navigate these dangerous waters.

Emotional Support

Hospice care can put families in touch with a wide range of different types of emotional support. Every person has unique needs and preferences when it comes to grieving, so some of those solutions may not feel like a good fit for them. Talk therapy is an option, especially with therapists who specialize in grief counseling. Support groups can be an effective tool, too, and maybe something that feels more comfortable for some people.

Spiritual Assistance

Even families that aren’t religious can have need of spiritual assistance when someone they love is passing away. There are questions and concerns that only spiritual solutions can help families answer. Whether families need help planning funeral and memorial services or want to ask questions about what happens next, hospice care can help families find those spiritual resources. Prayers and religious rites are no problem with hospice, either. Families don’t have to feel as if their religious needs won’t be supported.

Bereavement Support

Many people think that hospice care is there only while the person with the life-limiting condition is still alive and immediately after. But hospice care offers bereavement support to families after someone passes away, too. This type of care ensures families are coping well after their loved one passes away. They can help to keep families in touch with the grief counseling resources they need.

Education and Resources

Coping with a situation sometimes means understanding it as fully as possible. That’s not always easy to do when a loved one is passing away. Hospice care can help families to access the educational materials and resources they need to know what to expect and how to handle what comes next. If families need additional resources and education, hospice can help them to find what they need.

Hospice Care Easton CT - How Hospice Care Helps Deal with the Emotions of Losing Someone
Hospice Care Easton CT – How Hospice Care Helps Deal with the Emotions of Losing Someone

Practical Assistance

The focus isn’t just on emotional and spiritual needs, though. There are some considerable practical concerns when someone is passing away. Hospice care helps to manage symptoms and keep patients comfortable as they edge closer to the end of their life. Hospice care also offers care coordination to help keep medications and treatments updated. This helps to reduce stress for family members during this difficult time. If families still need help with end-of-life planning, they can also get help from hospice.

Hospice care offers many different types of help to families on many levels. It’s not an easy thing at all to watch someone pass away. Knowing that there is a team of people and resources there to offer support can be empowering for families. They know that they aren’t completely alone, even in these darkest moments that they’re experiencing.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Hospice Care Services near Easton CT, please call and talk to our friendly and dedicated staff. (203) 744-8380

Home Care Advantage provides quality Non-Medical Home Care for seniors and families in Danbury, Bethel, Easton, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Southbury, Weston, Westport, Wilton, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Beverly Ruekberg, DPH, MPH, MA. Ed.
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