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Senior Care News

How to Help Your Loved One Recover from a Transplant

If a transplant match has been made and a transplant performed, you need to prepare for the recovery period so that the transplant is successful.
24-Hour Home Care Redding CT - How to Help Your Loved One Recover from a Transplant

An organ transplant is one of the most complicated and serious procedures your loved one can have. It is usually a last resort to improve a health condition that your loved one has lived with for years. While it is oftentimes a frightening experience, when successful, organ transplants can change a person’s life and allow them to live a more fulfilling and rewarding life. If your loved one has received the good news that a match has been made and he will be able to receive his organ transplant, you, as his caregiver, will need to prepare for the recovery period so that his transplant is successful. A 24-hour home care team can be a great resource for someone recovering from transplant surgery.

Four responsibilities to expect once your loved one returns home:


Your loved one will not be able to drive, but he will have many follow-up appointments that he’ll need to attend to keep his doctors up to date on his healing progress. He will need weekly blood draws for review as well as visits to multiple specialists that will help him successfully heal from the implant and begin a path toward better health.

Medication Management

One of the largest concerns about transplant surgery is the fear of the body rejecting the organ. Your loved one’s doctors will prescribe multiple medications that he’ll need to take at various times during the day to help his body through this major change. He will need help making sure he takes the right dosage at the right time and within the doctor’s directions. He might also need help with making sure his prescriptions are always filled so that he doesn’t run out.

Emotional Support

Many patients struggle with strong emotions after a transplant. The fear and anxiety can be overwhelming as they wait to see if the surgery will be a success. The healing is a long process and can result in frustration as well as elation. Some days will seem like huge successes while others might seem like failures, resulting in emotions that are all over the place. Having a loved one like yourself to support him as he experiences all of these normal emotions can help him manage them better and provide the support he needs.

Provide a Healthy Environment

In addition to having a comfortable place to recover, having you provide healthy meals, assist with prescribed exercises, and create a restful environment will help his recovery.

24-Hour Home Care Redding CT - How to Help Your Loved One Recover from a Transplant
24-Hour Home Care Redding CT – How to Help Your Loved One Recover from a Transplant

You Don’t Need To Do it All Alone

Helping someone recover from an organ transplant can be overwhelming. If you have other family or work responsibilities, it can become too much to manage your household and his as well.

With 24-hour home care services, your loved one will have a team of individuals who stay with him in his home and help with recovery efforts. His 24-hour home care team can monitor his progress, help with medication management, prepare his meals, and take care of the home so he can rest as needed. They allow you as the caregiver, to step in where you can help the most, while also allowing you to manage other areas of your life as well, knowing your loved one is well cared for even when you are not nearby.

If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-Hour Home Care Services near Redding CT, please call and talk to our friendly and dedicated staff. (203) 744-8380

Home Care Advantage provides quality Non-Medical Home Care for seniors and families in Danbury, Bethel, Easton, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Southbury, Weston, Westport, Wilton, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Beverly Ruekberg, DPH, MPH, MA. Ed.
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