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Senior Care News

Helping Your Loved One Heal Safely After a Hospital Visit

Your loved one is sure to be relieved to be at home and knowing how to help him recover quickly and safely will also help you rest easier as he mends.
Post-Hospital Care Southbury CT - Helping Your Loved One Heal Safely After a Hospital Visit

Your loved one is coming home after a hospital stay and everyone is excited. It’s wonderful that he’s feeling well enough and recuperating that the doctors feel he can go home, and he’s probably thrilled to leave the confines of a cold and unfamiliar hospital room. While coming home is great news, the recovery period doesn’t end when your loved one leaves the hospital. Post-hospital care services may be needed to help with the recovery process.

In order to ensure that his recovery goes well and doesn’t cause any setbacks that may get him readmitted to the hospital, there are several steps you can take to keep him safe as he recovers.

Keep visitors to a minimum

As your loved one’s immune system rebuilds itself, it may not be strong enough to fight off any new viruses that it encounters. Reducing the number of visitors at home can help protect your loved one. Try to begin with only immediate family and his post-hospital care professional. His post-hospital care professional will not visit if they are feeling unwell, and even immediate family should take that same precaution.

Build up his strength slowly

While staying in bed might seem like a nice way to recover, in most instances, it’s important that your loved one works on building back up his strength and stamina after surgery. A post-hospital care provider will work with the doctor’s orders about how much activity your loved one should do a day as he’s recovering. Often an impartial person such as a post-hospital care provider can encourage and persuade your loved one to get the needed exercise much more than a family member can so consider having them help with any physical or occupational therapy that your loved one balks at doing.

Eat the right foods

Just because he’s home doesn’t mean he can eat whatever he wants. Now is the time to make sure every calorie consumed will help your loved one’s body recuperate and gain the needed strength. And if your loved one is placed on a specific diet while recovering, his post-hospital care provider can help ensure he eats only what the doctor prescribed so that he doesn’t have any setbacks as he recovers.

Post-hospital care aides know what dangers to look for

Post-Hospital Care Southbury CT - Helping Your Loved One Heal Safely After a Hospital Visit
Post-Hospital Care Southbury CT – Helping Your Loved One Heal Safely After a Hospital Visit

While recovering at home will certainly have its good days and bad days, it’s important to know when something is important enough to contact the doctor or to bring your loved one back to the hospital. Find out from the doctor what symptoms are expected and normal and which ones may indicate a need for immediate action to prevent a serious setback. Your post-hospital care provider can be a great resource for helping you know the difference between normal recovery speedbumps and dangerous potholes.

Your loved one is sure to be relieved to be at home and knowing how to help him recover quickly and safely will also help you rest easier as he mends.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Post-Hospital Care Services near Southbury CT, please call and talk to our friendly and dedicated staff. (203) 744-8380

Home Care Advantage provides quality Non-Medical Home Care for seniors and families in Danbury, Bethel, Easton, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Southbury, Weston, Westport, Wilton, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Beverly Ruekberg, DPH, MPH, MA. Ed.
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