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Senior Care News

The Common Causes of Hospital Readmissions

Post-Hospital Care Bethel CT-Failure to follow instructions after a hospitalization can lead to complications that require readmission. To avoid this, make sure your loved one has post-hospital care at home.
Post-Hospital Care Bethel CT - The Common Causes of Hospital Readmissions

During 2018, statistics show incredibly high rates of all-cause hospital readmissions within a month of the initial hospital stay or procedure. That year, there were 3.8 million people returned to the hospital, or about 14 for every 100 patients. To avoid this, make sure your senior has post-hospital care at home services.

Health Conditions With the Highest Readmission Rates

What causes hospital readmissions? Start by looking at the diseases or health issues that have the highest 30-day readmission rates. Medicare puts these at the top of the list.

  • Pleurisy/pulmonary collapse (24.5%)
  • Alcohol-related disorders (24.4%)
  • Mental health/schizophrenia (23.9%)
  • Anemia (23.3%)
  • Congestive heart failure (23.3%)
  • High blood pressure with complications (22.6%)
  • Heart valve disorders (19.9%)


Those are the conditions that are more likely to lead to readmission, but what exactly leads to readmission and how do you prevent it?

1. Non-Compliance or Failure to Pay Attention

Is your dad likely to do what his doctors tell him? If he won’t follow directions or won’t clearly listen to what he’s told, it’s important to have post-hospital care arranged to ensure he’s doing the things he is supposed to.

2. Complications

Some health issues just have a higher risk for complications. Your dad was in the hospital for surgery. He’s been warned to watch for leg pain, a sign of deep vein thrombosis, and to make sure he’s taking measures to prevent it from happening. His nurse can help with compression stockings and ensure your dad follows the surgeon’s instructions to lower the risk.

3. Adverse Medication Reactions

Another of the top reasons for readmission is medication reactions. Ideally, your dad’s first dose of medication should be administered before he leaves the hospital. If there is a reaction, he’s with doctors and nurses. If he doesn’t have the first dose until he goes home, a home health nurse can help address issues with his doctor, which eases your stress and his.

4. Infection

Infections can become dangerous. If an incision doesn’t heal properly, it may require the incision to be opened up. It may need to be debrided. This can be extensive, so it’s important for incisions to heal properly. Skilled nurses can clean and rebandage healing wounds at your dad’s home rather than at a medical clinic.

Coordinate Post-Hospital Care Between the Hospital and our Agency

No matter what your dad was hospitalized with, he needs to do as his specialists instructed. Failure to follow instructions can lead to complications that require readmission. To avoid this, make sure he has post-hospital care at home. If he has nurses and home health care aides helping him during his recovery, it lowers the risk of readmission.

Talk about a post-hospital care plan with your dad’s medical team. Once you know what care he’ll need, talk to our agency and facilitate the conversation between doctors and home health care professionals.

Sources: https://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb278-Conditions-Frequent-Readmissions-By-Payer-2018.jsp

If you or an aging loved one are considering Post-Hospital Care Services near Bethel CT, please call and talk to our friendly and dedicated staff. (203) 744-8380

Home Care Advantage provides quality Non-Medical Home Care for seniors and families in Danbury, Bethel, Easton, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Southbury, Weston, Westport, Wilton, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Beverly Ruekberg, DPH, MPH, MA. Ed.
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