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Senior Care News

Tips for Recovering from Pneumonia

A professional post-hospital care provider can help you monitor your loved one’s progress from pneumonia in addition to helping her stay on track with these tips as she recovers.
Post-Hospital Care Weston CT - Tips for Recovering from Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a very dangerous illness, especially for seniors like your loved one. It can cause breathing issues along with extreme coughing, and fever and can often lead to other health complications that can have serious complications or even lead to death. If your aging loved one was just in the hospital for pneumonia and has now been cleared to come home for the rest of her recovery, you are most likely both relieved and a bit nervous. Your goal will be to help her recover completely without any setbacks and that can be accomplished by hiring post-hospital care providers.

Post-hospital care for someone recovering from pneumonia, especially an elderly individual is likely to feel slow. It can take weeks for a person to recover their strength and be back to their old selves, so be patient with the recovery and yourself as you help your loved one through this. You might consider hiring a post-hospital care provider to come and assist along the way, relieving you of some of the extra duties and responsibilities you’ll need to take over for your loved one. A professional post-hospital care provider can help you monitor your loved one’s progress in addition to helping her stay on track with the doctor’s orders as she recovers.

Even after the cough and fever are gone, your loved one is going to feel weak and may not be able to do everything she used to do. That will come in time, but she’ll need to use these tips to make sure she continues to get better and doesn’t go backward in her recovery.

Finish all of the medication

Even if your loved one is feeling better, make sure she finishes all of the antibiotics given to her. Your provider for post-hospital care can help monitor her medication use and make sure she takes all of it.

Get plenty of rest

For those who are used to doing it all or constantly being on the move, this can be tricky. Plan for help around the home while she rests.

Slowly get active

While resting is important, so is slowly building up strength and stamina by getting up and moving around. A slow walk around the block (or even to the end of the driveway and back) is a good place to start.

Post-Hospital Care Weston CT - Tips for Recovering from Pneumonia
Post-Hospital Care Weston CT – Tips for Recovering from Pneumonia

Make those calories count

Your loved one should eat a diet that’s packed full of important nutrients and vitamins to help her body get what it needs to recover. If she has a sore throat, instead of offering a milkshake, try a fruit smoothie made with fresh fruit to get those wonderful healing vitamins.

Practice deep breathing

Taking deep breaths several times a day (once the coughing has subsided) will help rebuild her lung strength and get her ready for longer activities.

Pneumonia can take quite a while to recover from completely. Some people take 6-8 weeks depending on the severity of it and how healthy the person is. The important thing is patience during the process.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Post-Hospital Care Services near Weston CT, please call and talk to our friendly and dedicated staff. (203) 744-8380

Home Care Advantage provides quality Non-Medical Home Care for seniors and families in Danbury, Bethel, Easton, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Southbury, Weston, Westport, Wilton, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Beverly Ruekberg, DPH, MPH, MA. Ed.
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