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Senior Care News

Ways To Help Seniors Adjust To Being Home After A Hospital Stay

Post-hospital care is just one of the things that families can do to help senior parents when they are released from the hospital. Here are other needs after a hospital stay.
Post-Hospital Care Easton CT - Ways To Help Seniors Adjust To Being Home After A Hospital Stay

When seniors experience a medical crisis like a heart attack or a stroke or when they fall and need to stay in the hospital for a bit they are often very anxious to get back home. But when they are released from the hospital it can take some time before they are fully ready to live independently again. They may need post-hospital care services for quite some time.

Post-hospital care is the best way for seniors to get the extra care they need to recover. Post-hospital care is just one of the things that families can do to help senior parents when they are released from the hospital.

Some of the other ways they can help a senior parent are:

Arrange For Grocery Delivery and Post-Hospital Care Aides for Food Preparation

Your senior parent isn’t going to be able to go to the store or do any shopping for a while. You can set up grocery deliveries so that there is always food for your senior parent and household and pet supplies. If your senior parent has post-hospital care the caregiver can make meals and make sure that your senior loved one is eating the way they should so that they can get their strength back.

Hire A Housecleaner

Your senior parent won’t be able to keep up with the housework while they recover. And a caregiver can do some household chores but for deep cleaning and other household cleaning chores, it’s a good idea to have a professional housecleaner or housecleaning team come in to make sure that the house is clean and sanitary at all times. In order for your senior parent to recover they need to have a clean and sanitary space to recover in. They will recover faster in a clean and comfortable home.

Visit Often

While you may not be able to visit every day because of work, kids, and other responsibilities it will help your senior parent recover for you to visit as often as you can. Even though your senior parent will be well taken care of by a caregiver they still will be better off seeing you as often as you can come by. And you can always call to check in and lift your senior parent’s spirits when you can’t physically stop by. Anything that you can do to help their recovery you should do.

Post-Hospital Care Easton CT - Ways To Help Seniors Adjust To Being Home After A Hospital Stay
Post-Hospital Care Easton CT – Ways To Help Seniors Adjust To Being Home After A Hospital Stay

Get At Home Physical Therapy

Another way that you can help a senior parent recover after a hospital stay is to arrange for at home physical therapy. After being in bed and off their feet for a long time your senior parent will need physical therapy to help them get up and get walking again, strengthen their muscles, and recover as much of their mobility as possible. Being able to do physical therapy at home will help your senior parent recover their independence as they get stronger and heal from their fall or medical emergency.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Post-Hospital Care Services near Easton CT, please call and talk to our friendly and dedicated staff. (203) 744-8380

Home Care Advantage provides quality Non-Medical Home Care for seniors and families in Danbury, Bethel, Easton, Newtown, Redding, Ridgefield, Southbury, Weston, Westport, Wilton, and surrounding areas.

Dr. Beverly Ruekberg, DPH, MPH, MA. Ed.
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